Monday, 18 June 2012

week 47

Thanks for all the emails, sounds like your all doing good that your now officially empty nesters! So, this week flew by as we were hardly in our area but it was still good. On Monday to Wednesday I was with the Hmong elders which is a impossible language to understand so I just ate the food (mostly rice) and got a headache from listening to all the noises coming out of their mouths. It was fun though and glad that I'm learning Spanish and not Hmong. So on Saturday we had an all mission conference up in Modesto which is 2 1/2 hours away so it was a lot of driving but well worth it. M. Russell Ballard was the best of the three apostles that we've had as he was well prepared and a good teacher. He talked about knowing the doctrine better and being better teachers. He said we could find more people if we were better teachers because we will be more confident if we know what were saying. He then opened it up to questions so have a lot of good notes from him. I also went to get my foot checked out and I tore the ligaments on both sides of my ankle so I will be in a boot for about a month and can't play sports. I also am going to Physical therapy this Thursday and hopefully won't have to go much as it's a long drive there. We have two investigators that are pretty solid right now, Shirley is super close to baptism, she hasn't missed a church since October but she is just waiting for God to tell her when to be baptized so were going to push her super hard this week. We also started teaching a 90 year old man who is a yoga master but I wouldn't think he would be receptive as he's 90 but he is open minded and wants to learn and he actually showed up to church on Sunday so that would be awesome. Have transfer calls this Saturday so I'm excited to see what happens, but to be honest I don't mind what happens as I would be happy staying here in the mountains or moving to a new area so not too nervous about this transfer call. 
I've never heard of those church meetings with all the churches, that is something I would like to go to but its good about going to those and getting the church out there and getting a good name. Thats too bad about the Eberts leaving, a lot of people are leaving, the ward won't be the same by the time I get home. So Well, I better get going, but I love you all and have a great week.

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